Launching of a manufacture line for compensating cables within the Company ELECTROTERMOMETRIA Pascani for obtaining the status of unique manufacturer in Romania as well as for the creation of new jobs. Īn perioada 01.04.2004 - 30.09.2004, SC ELECTROTERMOMETRIA SRL a desfasurat proiectul Lansarea unei linii de fabricatie cabluri de compensare īn cadrul firmei ELECTROTERMOMETRIA Pascani pentru obtinerea statutului de unic producator din Romānia si crearea de noi locuri de munca pentru care a beneficiat de finantare din partea Uniunii Europene prin Programul Phare RICOP - RO9904.04
Launching a Manufacture Line for Compensating Cables for obtaining the status of unique manufacturer in Romania as well as for the creation of new jobs, for which was financed through the Phare RICOP - RO9904.04 Program by the European Union.
The general objectives of the project are:
Increasing the competitiveness on the internal market, ensuring a conclusive, durable and competitive advantage;
Creating new jobs on local and regional area.
The specific objectives of the project are:
Developing the range of products;
The elimination of the dependence proven to the supplier of primary materials - cables;
Presenting a new product on the internal market as an alternative to the imported products;
Creating the premises for maintaining the newly created jobs;
Increasing the internal market quota.
The Company Electrotermometria Pascani was established in 1992 at the initiative of several engineers of the research laboratories of the ex-official body ITRD Pascani. Nowadays in Pascani there are 8 companies manufacturing and commercializing the same type of products: control, regularization and measurement equipments for industrial processes. Meanwhile these competitive companies started to differentiated by designing their own products, offering a range of competitive prices and with different specialization in the field. The constant preoccupation of all these companies is the report quality-performance (innovation) versus price, which is definitely consolidating their image on the market and is constantly helping to maintain and expand the client network within all economical branches.
Designing and launching into manufacture, as a national first, of the compensation cables, will ensure to the Company Electrotermometria Pascani a lasting and enduring advantage.
The investment will contribute in attaining the following objectives:
-the creation of a new manufacturing section;
- obtaining a competitive status of unique manufacturer of compensating cables in Romania
Quantitative: - a extruding technological line;
- increasing the turnover with 26 %;
- increasing the profit by 37 %;
Sociale: - 21 new jobs.
The implementation of the program will prove a direct effect by creating a number of 21 jobs. These jobs are necessary for a quota of 75% of the production capacity during 2004. For the next years it is estimated a gradual increase of the production capacity and implicitly the need of supplementary personnel.
The RICOP Program
The restructuration program of the companies and for professional reconversion (RICOP) is included in the context of the Integration Partnership and of the National Program for UE Integration. RICOP is financed by the European Commission (CE) with t total budget of 100 million EURO.
The specific objective of the financing component of the SME's of the program RICOP is to ensure a direct support for the creation and development of the enterprises and the SME's of the RICOP area. The aim of the program is to help the creation of new jobs for diminishing the social impact of the restructuration and in order to encourage the transition towards a fully functional market economy. |